About Paths To Our Past

Friday, October 29, 2010

Wreath & Poinsettia Turn In - Monday (11/1)

Monday, November 1st at 6:00 pm I will be at Roseway Heights to pick up all wreath and poinsettia orders and money.

Please put all money and orders in one envelope marked with the student's name. You are turning in the full amount of money. I will verify all the orders and money and let you know if there are any discrepancies. The order forms will be kept and re-distributed the day the orders arrive so you know to where you need to deliver the wreaths and poinsettias.

Also, Sue Vogel has started a list of students who are willing to babysit, dog walk, mow lawns etc. Please review the attachment and email Sue (VOGEL5597@comcast.net) if you would like to be added to this list and provide her the information necessary to contact you. She would like to get the information in the Rose next week since the Holiday seasons are upon us!

Feel free to bring other fundraising suggestions to me on Monday as well.

If you know of any other students who are still interested in attending the east coast trip, please send them my direction. We are quickly booking play tickets and baseball game and plane tickets etc!

As always, let me know if you have any questions and have a fun and safe Halloween!


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